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Бесплатно zombie horde 0.2.4 0.2.4

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Поддерживаемые плагины
Create hordes of zombies (customizable murderers) that roam around your server in packs.

- Horde members will stick together, they will wander the map and target enemies as a group
- Hordes can merge together when in proximity to create a even larger horde
- Spawn a specified amount of hordes when the plugin loads, and respawn them as they are killed
- Option to make the horde gain members over time
- Option to make the horde gain a member when they kill a player
- Option for headshot instant kills
- When a horde loses sight of a target they will attempt to find that target by travelling to the last location they saw them, if they don't they will continue wandering
- Customizable health, damage multiplier and kits for horde members

Chat Commands
/horde info - Show information about current hordes on your server
/horde destroy <number> - Destroy the specified horde
/horde create - Create a new horde on the closest valid point to your position. Creating hordes with chat or console commands will bypass the horde limit set in your config
/horde createloadout - Copies your current inventory to a new zombie loadout in your config

zombiehorde.admin - Required to use the chat commands

Console Commands
horde info - Show information about current hordes on your server
horde destroy <number> - Destroy the specified horde
horde create <opt:distance> - Create a new horde at a random position. Creating hordes with chat or console commands will bypass the horde limit set in your config
horde addloadout <kitname> <opt:kitname> <opt:kitname> - Converts the specified kits to a loadout definitions and adds them to your config. You can add as many kits as you like in the same command with a space between the name

Spawn Systems
There are 3 spawn systems to select from to determine where hordes will spawn.
Default - Uses default player beach spawn points
RandomSpawns - Gets a random spawnpoint from the RandomSpawns plugin
SpawnsDatabase - Gets a random spawnpoint from a spawnfile you have created. This requires you to specify a spawnfile in the config.

The amount of hordes that can be spawned at any given time is governed by the "Maximum amount of hordes at any given time" config option.

Monument Spawning
Monument spawning takes priority over random spawning but is still restricted by the horde limit. If you have a horde limit of 5 and you try to spawn hordes at 10 monuments it wont work. The horde limit applies to all auto-spawned hordes

Loot System
If you do not wish to drop random loot and only drop the current inventory of the NPC you can toggle the config option "Drop inventory on death instead of random loot" to true

The random loot system is a predefined list of items that can potentially be spawned as loot. The amount of items to spawn is random chosen between the minimum and maximum values set in the config.

Each item has an assigned probability (a number between 0 and 1), when loot is being populated a random probability is generated and only items with a probability greater than or equal to the random number will be chosen to populate the random loot.

Items with a lower probability will spawn less often then items with a high probability.

All items are chosen at random and will only spawn if the probability is greater then what has been randomly generated

You can also assign a item that will always spawn with another. For example, if you wanted to spawn a chainsaw with some low grade fuel you would add the low grade fuel to the "Spawn with" slot, then if the chainsaw is chosen to be spawned it will also spawn the low grade fuel.
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