Chat Commands
/horde info - Show information about current hordes on your server
/horde destroy <number> - Destroy the specified horde
/horde create - Create a new horde on the closest valid point to your position. Creating hordes with chat or console commands will bypass the horde limit set in your config
/horde createloadout - Copies your current inventory to a new zombie loadout in your config
zombiehorde.admin - Required to use the chat commands
Console Commands
horde info - Show information about current hordes on your server
horde destroy <number> - Destroy the specified horde
horde create <opt:distance> - Create a new horde at a random position. Creating hordes with chat or console commands will bypass the horde limit set in your config
horde addloadout <kitname> <opt:kitname> <opt:kitname> - Converts the specified kits to a loadout definitions and adds them to your config. You can add as many kits as you like in the same command with a space between the name