- displayClanStats - True/False
- record_ClanMate_Kills - Toggle killing of clan-members contributing to PVPKills.
- record_FriendsAPI_Kills - Toggle killing of 'Friends' contributing to PVPKills.
- record_RustIO_Friend_Kills - Toggle killing of RustIO friends contributing to PVPKills.
- blockEvents - Toggle EventManager contributing to ranks.
- statCollection - True/False
- RequiresPermission - Makes user /pr access by 'playerranks.use' permission only.
- allowadmin - Toggle admin stats in public displays.
- chatCommandAlias.
- useTimedTopList - Toggle public broadcast rotation.
- TimedTopListAmount
- TimedTopListTimer
- TimedTopListSize - Font size for chat output.
- TimedTopListNumbered - Adds ordered numbering to chat output (1st,2nd,etc).
- deleteOnBan - True/False
- saveTimer (minutes)
- lastLoginLimit - in days.Deletes data for users who haven't logged in since X days ago. Value of 0 means disabled.
- wipeOnDeath - True/False
- WipeOnNewMap - Wipes PlayerRanks data base when a new map is detected.
- useIntenseOptions - Enable/disable.Toggle gathering of information, and displays, relating to:
- StructuresBuilt
- ItemsDeployed
- ItemsCrafted
- EntitiesRepaired
- StructuresDemolished
- Resources Gathered
fontColor1/2/3 - Three options available, for title, message, and category.(Will rename soon)
guitransparency - 0.0 - 1.0
Chat Command Alias - Default is "ranks". Change it to whatever you want.
There is a true/false for every category.
These can be set via GUI, and prevent data for that category being displayed in-game.
SQL - optional.
- Database Name
- Host
- Password
- Port
- Username
- tablename - Main data table name that PR will create.
- LBtableName - Leaderboards table name that PR will create.
- Use MySQL - true/false
- autoWipe - true/false (wipes SQL with main database)
The SQL database will be created on the first save, whether automatic or manually with command /pr save.
Category List.
- PVPKills
- PVPDistance
- PVEKills
- PVEDistance
- NPCKills
- NPCDistance
- Sleepers Killed
- HeadShots
- Deaths
- Suicides
- KDR (kill to death ratio)
- SDR (suicide to death ratio)
- SkullsCrushed
- TimesWounded
- TimesHealed
- HeliHits
- HeliKills
- APC Hits
- APCKills
- BarrelsDestroyed
- Explosives Thrown
- Arrows Fired
- Bullets Fired
- Rockets Launched
- WeaponTrapsDestroyed
- Drops looted
- Structures Built
- Structures Demolished
- Items Deployed
- Items crafted
- Entities Repaired
- Resources Gathered
- Structures Upgraded
- blockEvents - Toggle EventManager contributing to ranks.
- Economics**
- ServerRewards**
- PlayTime** (DD:HH:MM:SS)
MySQL Only.
- Online/Offline Status**
- ActiveDate - Player's last login date.