GameHackerTV добавил(а) новый ресурс:
UberTools (last) - Сливаю для вас UberTools последней версии. Кому не сложно, поставьте лайк.
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UberTools (last) - Сливаю для вас UberTools последней версии. Кому не сложно, поставьте лайк.
Build and Deploy without any limits
Build at monuments, in the air, under water, or in TC blocked area's
Deploy objects wherever you might need them... Walls, upside down, or also stacked on top of others
Full native input | No need to learn any new commands
Easy removal of anything you placed | Smooth grade-changing and rotating
Build without any need for resources | Objects are unlimited placeable
It does try to find in your inventory 3 needed items:
Building Planner
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