
Бесплатно AutoCodeLock 2.2.8

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AutoCodeLock is an plugin to automate and ease-up the usage, deployment and placement for Codelocks, Doors and Doorclosers.

Featurelist being available for permission grant to players:
- Automated deployment of codelocks on doors
- Automated deployment of codelocks on boxes
- Automated deployment of codelocks on lockers
- Automated deployment of codelocks on cupboards
- Automated codelock code setup and door locking
- Setup a default codelock code | Replaces initial created random code
- Update function for current code sync to all codelocks
- Setup a default codelock guestcode | Replaces initial created random guestcode
- Update function for current guestcode sync to all codelocks
- Deploy doors with doorclosers
- Setup a default doorcloser delay
- Update function for current doorcloser-delay sync to all doors|doorclosers
- Cloaking of code and guestcode while using the clientside streamermode function

Below is a chat-command overview with all available functions being granted, listing their default settings.

INFO: the used command below is set to "code", the plugin default is "codelock"

Below the "update | u" part of the plugin, describing the commands to update codelocks & doorclosers:

Below the command(s) being used by the also possible client-console varient:

Having no access to any function:

Example view for a player with "autolock" & "doorcloser" permission, after made setup from plugin defaults:

The plugin functions are based on several permissions to support your VIP or Donators based group/permission system.

  "Permissions": {
    "adminAutoRights": true, // serves all functions to admins without the need to have a perm
    "permissionAll": "autocodelock.all",  // usage of all functions at once
    "permissionAutoLock": "autocodelock.autolock", // automatic locking and securing (inclusive code|guestcode-functions)
    "permissionDeployBox": "autocodelock.deploybox",  // deployment of boxes including a codelock (from inventory)
    "permissionDeployCupboard": "autocodelock.deploycup",  // deployment of cupboards including a codelock (from inventory)
    "permissionDeployDoor": "autocodelock.deploydoor",  // deployment of doors including a codelock (from inventory)
    "permissionDeployLocker": "autocodelock.deploylocker",  // deployment of lockers including a codelock (from inventory)
    "permissionDoorCloser": "autocodelock.doorcloser",  // automated deployment of doorclosers with placed doors
    "permissionNoLockNeed": "autocodelock.nolockneed"  // codelocks can be auto-deployed without cost

The remaining config-file options are as follow (with short description):
  "Command": {
    "codelockCommand": "codelock" // defines the main plugin comand. Creates chat and console command
  "Formatting": {  // Plugin chat|feedback formatting section
    "colorCmdUsage": "yellow",
    "colorOFF": "silver",
    "colorON": "green",
    "colorTextMsg": "white",
    "pluginPrefix": "AutoCodeLock",
    "prefixColor": "orange",
    "prefixFormat": "<color={0}>{1}</color>: "
  "Options": {
    "doorCloserMaxDelay": 15.0, // maximum possible closer delay to choose
    "doorCloserMinDelay": 2.0,// minimum possible closer delay to choose
    "notifyAuthCodeLock": true // returns-to-player the used codes each time a codelock was automated
  "PlayerDefaults": {  // being defineable user-presets (toggles) for NEW users not yet in the data-file
    "AutoLock": false,
    "DefaultCloseDelay": 3.0,
    "DeployBox": false,
    "DeployCupboard": false,
    "DeployDoor": false,
    "DeployDoorCloser": false,
    "DeployLocker": false,
    "UseGuestCode": false

Example of saved data for one user (being kept as short as possible):
    "7656119820700000": {
      "AL": true,
      "DLD": false,
      "DLB": false,
      "DLL": false,
      "DLC": false,
      "PC": "0815",
      "GC": "7416",
      "EGC": true,
      "DDC": true,
      "DCD": 5.0

The default language file content:

  "AutoLockEnabled": "CodeLock automation (secure and lock) enabled",
  "AutoLockDisabled": "CodeLock automation disabled",
  "DeployLockDoorEnabled": "Doors will include codelocks on deploy",
  "DeployLockDoorDisabled": "Doors will not include codelocks on deploy",
  "DeployDoorCloserEnabled": "Doors will include doorclosers on deploy",
  "DeployDoorCloserDisabled": "Doors will not include doorclosers on deploy",
  "DeployLockBoxEnabled": "Boxes will include codelocks on deploy",
  "DeployLockBoxDisabled": "Boxes will not include codelocks on deploy",
  "DeployLockLockerEnabled": "Locker will include codelocks on deploy",
  "DeployLockLockerDisabled": "Locker will not include codelocks on deploy",
  "DeployLockCupEnabled": "Cupboards will include codelocks on deploy",
  "DeployLockCupDisabled": "Cupboards will not include codelocks on deploy",
  "UseGuestCodeEnabled": "Guest PIN will be set with codelocks",
  "UseGuestCodeDisabled": "Guest PIN gets not set with codelocks",
  "CodeAuth": "CodeLock secured and locked with '{0}'",
  "CodeAuthBoth": "CodeLock secured and locked with '{0}', guest set to '{1}'",
  "NoAccess": "You are not granted for this feature",
  "NotSupported": "The specific function '{0}' is not available",
  "UpdatePin": "Updates all doors with the current PIN",
  "UpdateGuestPin": "Updates all doors with the current guest PIN",
  "UpdateCloseDelay": "Updates all doorclosers with the current closedelay",
  "CommandUsage": "Command usage:",
  "CommandToggle": "All switches toggle their setting (on<>off)",
  "CommandAutolock": "Autolock feature:",
  "CommandDoorCloser": "Doorcloser feature:",
  "CommandCloseDelay": "Your current close delay:",
  "CommandPinCode": "Your current PIN:",
  "CommandGuestCode": "Your current guest PIN:",
  "CommandGuest": "Guest PIN feature:",
  "CommandPinCodeSetTo": "Your PIN was successful set to:",
  "CommandGuestCodeSetTo": "Your guest PIN was succesful set to:",
  "CommandCloseDelaySetTo": "Your close delay was successful set to: {0}s",
  "CommandPinCodeHelp": "Set your PIN with <color={0}>/{1} pin|p <1234></color> (4-Digits)",
  "CommandGuestCodeHelp": "Set your guest PIN with <color={0}>/{1} guestpin | gp 1234</color> (4-Digits)",
  "CommandCloseDelayHelp": "Set your delay with <color={0}>/{1} closedelay | cd x</color> ({2}-{3}s)",
  "CommandDeployDoor": "Deploy with Door:",
  "CommandDeployBox": "Deploy with Box:",
  "CommandDeployLocker": "Deploy with Locker:",
  "CommandDeployCupboard": "Deploy with Cupboard:",
  "StreamerMode": "<color=orange>NOTE</color>: Active <color=yellow>streamermode</color> does cloak the PINs",
  "UpdatedDoors": "Updated '{0}' doors with your current setting"
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Реакции: BeDLaM и Ryamkk
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