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Бесплатно AimTrain 1.1.2

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Поддерживаемые плагины
Required Dependencies: https://umod.org/plugins/rust-kits
AimTrain brings you the assistance in firearm combat training by offering a mode to any server (event server or not) by just typing one command to be teleported to to to a configured location to shoot bots for practice in gun fire(bots are not shooting back). In order for players to join the AimTrain their inventory must be empty and will not be able to teleport unless done so. Once they are done they will be teleported to back to their previous locations where they were before the training.
Players inside the Arena cant see each other while AimTraing, if you are using the Plugin on a server other than a server Event i recommend securing the Area with ZoneManager to make sure people cant leave the Arena with their kit.

Team player
/at - to join AimTrain (if configured with only one arena)
/at <name of arena> - join AimTrain (if you set up multiple Arenas)

Team administrator
/aimtrain - gives you information about all the options below.
/aimtrain add <arena name>
/aimtrain delete <name>
/list aimtrain
/aimtrain info <name>

For the following commands you need to edit the Arena, use / at_edit <name> to start the edit of the Arena.
/aimtrain sbot - set bot-spawn at your current location.
/aimtrain splayer - install the game at your current location.
/aimtrain botkit <name> - add kit for bots.
/aimtrain playerkit <name> - add a set to players.
/aimtrain movement is to Shift the movement of the bot in Arena on / off.
/aimtrain enable - to Turn on / off the Arena.
/aimtrain botcount <amount> - change the active amount of the bot.

access rights
aimtrain.join - want to join AimTrain.
aimtrain.admin - Required to use command / aimtrain.
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